Friday, July 28, 2006


About three and a half years ago, I was seated at a Bar with a good friend and former trench-mate- the Lager Lawyer. Brusque, razor-sharp, eloquent and caustic of tongue and blindingly articulate. We've known each other for 24 years and believe me when we meet there's no posturing or bullshit, we've known each other too long for that. His favourite line being- "I saw you E.... and my Liver cringed".

We discussed my divorce and business plans at length. After a lot of dissection and analysis L2 as we shall call him looked me in the eye and asked me how a man like me who made (then) a good living successfully and competently advising people on how to order and organise their lives, handling matters running into Millions of Pounds could be so terribly incompetent in organising his own life. He told me in no uncertain terms that if I was my own Lawyer I would fire me. In my usual manner I agreed with him. The words Physician heal thyself do not exist for nothing.

Has anything changed in the last few years - the answer - absolutely not!


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