Of regrets and Forward Motion
Regrets and Forward Motion
The absolutely Brilliant Oriental Barrister has said to me not once but three times in the last few months, "I never regret anything I've done I just try not to make the same mistake twice".
Simple but powerful/pregnant words. What then is the difference between an apology to someone you've offended and regrets about what you have done/who you are?
I would beg to differ with the Oriental Barrister on one point, I believe it is absolutely important for the proper flow of dynamics and maintenance of balance on this earth for a person to acknowledge wrong done to another and express it to the other person. This is a principle I live by. I however will draw the line there, one should never feel compelled to regret once's own person, one may periodically acknowledge one's own failings and seek to improve them, but your essence is the only thing you own. Never feel the need to subsume your own values on the altar of regret.
I'm hardly a life-coach, but will summarise what I'm trying to say here as thus- try not to harm or inconvenience people and if you do, have the courage and empathy to genuinely regret/express regret and make amends (either to your modus or to the situation), if your gesture is accepted graciously then fine, if not and the other responds without grace, then move on you've paid your debt to the cosmos (and to Karma). Acknowledge an error but the shame is not that of the person who has in the spirit of reconciliation stretched out a hand, but that of the person who now employs the other's humility as an opportunity to plunge in knives of revenge.
Its always a great day dude.Why? Well you're alive!
Surely making an apology shows, amongst other personal attributes -humility, strength and etiquette.
I agree, have no regrets but ensure you've learnt something from the experience.
If you don't try you're never know if your gesture will be graciously received.
Karma - cause and effect - what effect did you leave?
PS no knives here.
Just seen this comment. Only one response- none. Sound reasoning. As usual.
Actually, I prefer a machete.
A machete? Goodness! Rather extreme, but I presume with good reason, it however presents a practical difficulty with the twisting and turning action- being rather large and unwieldy, (the machete that is) - nonetheless the symbolism is not lost.
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