Ikenga- The 10th Anniversary

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the formation of my band Ikenga www.soundclick.com/Ikenga , http://www.peoplesound.com/artist/ikenga/ Which has also recorded under the peudonym- "Ariara" www.soundclick.com/Ariara
The band's name was sourced from the Igbo tribal symbol of unity and endeavour, physically represented by a carved horned symbol.
I shall pay tribute to some people who have made it all possible:
Joanna Moffatt, Max Chudi Okoye, NU, Deedee, Chris Okoro my sidekick and co-producer, Muyiwa Majekodunmi, Azu Keazor, Eddie Offeyi, - Dr Sotiris Papadopoulos- my twin brother from another mother and one of the greatest Guitarists the world has ever known, who has sadly sold his soul to fizzy drink. VIF studios, where it all started and- nearly bloody well ended.
Its been an interesting journey from the mosquito infested studio in Ikeja Lagos, hard 12 hour gigs in Lagos, all the way to even harder 12 hr gigs in London, to playing at the Jazz Cafe, Brighton Festival, Fridge, Yatra and many other venues around the UK, working in the studio and/or playing on stage with diverse acts like Damon Albarn, Keziah Jones, Dele Sosimi, Fela Kuti, The Ebony Steel Band, Tunde (Lighthouse family), The Funkees, Fatai Rolling Dollar and many more, I wouldn't change a damn thing.
The band has had some of the most talented musicians on the planet I'm proud to say, have we made money? No, it was never about that, did we make good music? Hell yes. I know because Number one spot on the African and World fusion Charts on http://www.mp3.com/ in its heyday and a number one spot on the soundclick.com charts World fusion charts for 3 months, is enough testimony to the fact that the music brought enjoyment and enlightenment to many. Have we stopped? No, but slowed down? Yes sadly. A roll call of some of the members/guest performers of the band- past and semi-present would be:
a. Eddie Offeyi- Drums; b. Mike Aremu- Alto/Soprano Sax; c. Laja Adeyemo- Guitar; d. Wille Makola (ex- Quartier Latin); e. Chris Okoro- Keyboards; f. Sotiris Papadopoulos- Guitar; g. Dieudonne Falna King (ex-Zaiko Langa Langa; Lagbaja); h. Samson Olawale - Percussions (ex-John Scofield, Carl Denson); i. Tino Batangisa; j. Tex Becks- Alto Sax; (ex-Rex Lawson, Fela Kuti); k. Phillipe Bitamba- Bass; l. Gary Walsh- Keyboards; m. Jose Suarez- Guitar; n. Oscar Elimbi- Guitar (ex- Damon Albarn, Ayetoro etc); o. Biodun "Batik" Adebiyi- Trumpet; p. Leo Adjebro- Bongos/Harmonica; q. Hickson Delmondo Mokinda- Vocals; r. Claude Ngaishani- Bass/Vocals; s. Barry Laing- Fiddle.
Special mention must be made of Chris Okoro, a massively talented Classically trained Pianist and Hammond Cat, who co-produced the albums with me and played the Keyboards on some of the early tracks, an incredibly talented guy, who I'm proud to have worked with. Eddie "Metronome" Offeyi- an incredible dynamo of a Drummer with a gentle, compassionate personality that contradicts his muscular playing style and strength as a drummer, one of the most steady hands I've ever encountered on the Jazz Drums. Eddie put a lot of things together behind the scenes and has always been a friend/confidant. Max Chudi Okoye, whose financial support in finalising the first recording was a God-send, my sister OO, whose painting above was nicked for the original album God bless these four.
I shall end by paying tribute to one of the great musicians who was part of this band but who passed on a couple of years ago - the great Tex Becks- Ex- Rex Lawson, Ex- Original Fela Kuti Koola Lobitoes Saxman, Ex-Orlando Julius sideman amongst many other great bands in Africa and the USA. Becks career straddled three generations of African music from the late 50's and the highlife scene to the 60's and the advent of Afrobeat, the 70's and Afro-Funk, the 80's -90's with Afro-Jazz and the 00's with the Highlife revival. A colossus of a man inspite of his slight frame. He was a complex , difficult man but a genius nonetheless, who inspite of his dying in his 60's died far too young. I remember Becks' standard mantra- "where's my bread man?" He never suffered fools and certainly didn't die one. I salute his genius and leave you with a track- Becks and I composed and which the band recorded, which was nameless but which I have named after him- "Becks last stand", which was the last track he recorded in his lifetime- http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=305893&content=music. On the same page you shall find the band's first recording - "Fuel for love".
Thanks for listening one and all and God bless.
Great blog and a lot of valuable information you have here. I noticed that on the soundclip url, your band covered a song called "I've Been Loving You" by The Wings. I am planning on doing a project for my class on their lead singer Spud Nathan and was wondering if you would be able to share some knowledge about the group with me, because you seem very knowledgable with music of that time. My e-mail is clemente_jo@yahoo.com.
Thanks Ebere, the best source of Info is my friend Uche's blog http://combandrazor.blogspot.com/ Hope this is helpful
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