Thursday, February 08, 2007

Big B's Magnum Opus

My nemesis Young Boniface or Big B as we shall call him (though not on account of his total size, but on account of the size of his Liver) delivered a telling riposte the other day.

He took forthright umbrage at my description of his cuilinary reference and pointedly corrected me as to his choice of diet, in particular he completely denied a penchant for Egg and Chips and when asked for particulars of my error, he succinctly stated that he was rather disposed to Egg, Ham and Chips. Ladies and gentleman this was the Coup de grace, I was floored and gracefully admitted defeat. He had won fair and square.

For those who might wonder why I have chosen to write what is an altogether insubstantial post (not exactly an essay of stature I accept), my answer is thus. Its my Blog and I shall write what the heck i want.

Big B, accept my congratulations!


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