Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ballet Dancing Hookers

My little boy is going to play Rugby Union for England and thats final. I've had this dream for years ..well not that many he's just 5+. This being on account of his natural attributes- incredible strength and speed for a mere infant.

Too young to play in the Middlesex team until he turns 7, I took to training him on basic rules and the mentality- strength, speed, stamina and tenacity. Under my mediocre tutelage my boy has blossomed into a tough little bulldog, displaying the attributes defined and also incredible balance and agility. As I have boasted to ad nauseum, my kid does 20 strict-form press-ups and I say hand on heart, I never pushed him. I had in mind for him the Hooker position, for those who may have confused the title of this post with something less than proprietary, I say shame on you!

Something happened a few years ago though, I was informed that my little Steve Thompson had been enrolled in a Ballet class by mum. I was incandescent with rage!! How very dare she enrol my Alpha male prototype in an effeminate pursuit, there was going to be hell to pay.

A strange thing happened though, on the way to have the matter referred to the House of Lords for adjudication, I thought as a matter of formality that I should ask my Rugrat what he felt about, his simple answer was- "Daddy I like Ballet"..No ifs no maybe's, my little boy is a man of few words and he had said his piece, no amount of gentle and not so gentle persuasion (threats) he wouldn't budge hence I was forced with my tail between my legs to capitulate (Vox Munchkinus Vox Dei).

Yesterday for the first time, I had the opportunity of picking up my boy from Ballet school, which he still faithfully attends 2 years after (10 years in adult attention span years). Quite an experience and one to confound all preconceived notions.

1.The teacher was a battle-axe of a woman, who looked like she ate steel wool for candy floss, with the manner of a drill sergeant.

2. The routines required discipline, physical strength and concentration.

3. She ran the classes with a strict regime spanning from dressing to the actual routines and importantly the kids didn't look like they were being intimidated or harassed, they were loving the discipline, Interaction and fun of the exercises.

Now if you took these three points out of context, I could be describing a Rugby team training session without the swearing and aggressive content. The pink or almond leotard element remains a sore point for me however, but will commend it for the balance and discipline my son has imbibed, which will of course assist his sure path to a place in the England squad. I have not quite come round to the possibility of him deciding to pursue a career in Sadlers Wells, On this occasion, I shall not be asking my son his opinion, the prospect of his answer frightens me!!



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