Thursday, October 11, 2007

Poor Old Gordon

"With great power comes great responsibility" The quote from Spiderman, ironically used by Gordon in the course of his speech at the Labour party Conference, Jesus, little did he know..
Anyway to cut a long story short, isn't it strange that the one thing he wanted the most has become the most painful chalice and which has provided him with his life's greatest test. Basically now the buck stops at his door and he has to swallow the bitter pill of responsibility that power prescribes.
I in truth am not overly over-awed by David Cameron's speech, the fact that a man is able to speak ex-tempore for 75 minutes is not a test of leadership, its a test of oratory. No one has yet analysed that speech with the level of detail that Brown's policies have been subject. The truth is that I am not convinced that the Tories have exceeded Labour in substance, all they have done is out-politicked Labour, which is probably a good thing and is most definitely a warning/baptism of fire for Gordon Brown- Britain wants substance and not spin and if you choose to politick and spin, be prepared to take the knocks that transient and weightless politics provide, you can't outspin the spin doctor- David Cameron. In all truth, Cameron is probably the most phoney, slick and insubstantial character ever disembowelled from the foul innards of the Tories, however Spin is his thing and if you can't beat him then don't compete.
Gordon's greatest USP has been his workmanlike approach, which was briefly sacrificed on the altar of expediency and err..vanity. Labour Leaders can no longer afford to sacrifice statesmanship for form and false flair, the hand-writing is now on the wall and in truth Cameron's speech may well be the best thing that happened to Labour since Michael Howard's friendly but politically unwise advice to Gordon Brown, many years ago on Labour imagery and focus which gave rise to New Labour and the demise of Tory Leadership of the country- if of course they're listening and not spinning yarns of sycophancy in Labour's usual style. Bullshit the country if you feel like but learn not to bullshit yourself.


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