Friday, August 17, 2007

Strong Medicine Pt 2

This was a comment in response to the last post on Strong Medicine, I don't really have too many words, please read on

Anonymous said...

Hi Seal,First of all, let me say that you do not have to publish this comment. This is just a way of dropping a piece of my thoughts . I am an animator from Nigeria resident in Germany. On the search for images of "Broad Street, Lagos" I found myself at your blog.Now having heard "Nigeria" your alarm sensors are on...right!! No agitation, I am not looking for someone who would help me clear some accounts of some folks...*laugh*Anyway, coming to the poin, your article "Strong medicine" impressed me immensely. It reminded me of some of my ideals that used to be very strong in my life. How i wish i read it 3 years would have helped me a lot to come out of a broken relationship mourned after at that time. Well, eventually I let go but before then, I stood the risk of having friends walk away from me because i was so brokenhearted almost to the point of depression..ignoring all the love that my friends were showering on me at that time. Now everything is perfect again. I eventually let the person walk, It took time but now i know i had made the right decision because it paved the way for me to walk into someone who let another person walk. Now the question between us has been "Where have you been all my life"
Thanks again Seal for this articleEven the secular Madonna once sang "There's no greater power than the power of goodbye" I wish a lot of people would learn to let go sometimes.Most interesting is also the line about letting go of people who would not help you in helping them properly..I willl keep that in mind and would spread the news. I bet a lot of people could use that in life!By the way, did I properly introduce myself? Maybe I would do that in my next visit and then you could maybe provide me with the opportunity of anonymously directing you to my REAL person.have a lovely day. I will come back becaus there is just a lot of stuff I would like to read heree.o (ms.)
1:23 PM


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