Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Quest of the "Faithful"?????

Omar Bakri

Abu Hamza

Abu Qatada

Mustafa Setmarian Al Nasr

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

What do these charming fella's have in common? Well they are either involved in fundamentalism of a dangerous nature or they are members of Al-Qaida. More importantly they have in common their girth, these guys are overweight. My concern then is for the millions of starving muslims all over the world whom they say they represent. It may seem a trivial point for most, but the symbolism is thus. Those who will preach hate and death to the Innocent, via the sacrifice of the innocent (yes you heard me right )lives of the misguided, but who at the same time do not deny themselves the comforts of this "sinful world" expose the hypocrisy of their cause.

Nothing justifies the death of the Innocent on the altar of fundamentalism, be it by Al Qaida, Far Right Israeli Groups or indeed the Rightist Pentecostal Think Tanks in Washington (of which George Bush is a notable and laughable lackey- even they think he's a twit).

Young men on all sides are told they are soldier's for a just cause and are sent to kill and die for the Fundamentalist cause of these fat men (fat here now being used symbolically, I'm generally aware George Bush isn't fat, for God's sake!). In the same manner young Germans were sent off to kill and die for the cause of the motherland(we know the result of that now don't we), of course they believed their cause was just, they all bloody well do.

What's my point? Fundamentalism in any form be it Religious (Al Qaida), Nationalistic (Old Yugoslavia, Germany) etc will always use and be a tool for the unscrupulous individuals, whilst Intertwined like parasitic worms, they both feed off the lives of the Innocent.

Fact: Most of the victims of Zaqarwi's bombs and attacks in Iraq have been innocent suffering Muslims; a large number of the July 7 bombing victims were Innocent Muslims. So where then is the victory. The misguided will claim that this is a war and that they are soldiers. Fine, let me adopt that warped logic and analyse it a little further. The 4th Geneva Convention states:

Article 32.
A protected person/s shall not have anything done to them of such a character as to cause physical suffering or extermination ... the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands. This prohibition applies not only to murder, torture, corporal punishments, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment.

Article 33. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.

Article 4 defines who is a Protected person Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals. [Culled from Wikipedia]

In short if you kill a protected person, you are no longer a Soldier you are a common criminal. O f course the Anally retentive may split hairs and argue that the Convention does not apply if you kill your own country-men (July 7) well stupid, that's covered by the Laws of the Land and even in Iraq its a criminal offense for one Iraqi to kill another -unless as an act of state (aah! another topic altogether).

Basically brothers it aint an act of war its a crime both Internationally and Locally, sorry but thats the truth.

Some have tried to impose Quranic justification on criminality, equally we run into a problem because the Great book specifically:

A. Forbids suicide (Quran 4:29) and;

B. The killing of civilians, women and children (Bukhari: Book of Jihad).

In addition the Quran states:

He who has killed one innocent soul, it is as if he has killed all humanity. And he who has saved one soul, is as if he has saved all humanity" (Quran 5:32).

I didn't make this up its in there chaps, in proverbial black and white.

The final thrust of all this is simple and as repeated above - humanity has always been and will always be a slave of fundamentalism, equally fundamentalism will always be a tool of the unscrupulous and Intrinsically Evil.

The question is who the heck is listening we never learn do we.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:24 am  
Blogger Seal67 said...

You're having a laugh aren't you mate.

1:26 pm  

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